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I am Rachmat Rhamdhani Fauzi. I was graduated as Bachelor of Architecture from University of Indonesia in 2009.  Having 5 years' experience in the architecture industry, currently, I am studying Master of Sustainable Built Environment in University of New South Wales, Australia.


I am a student in “SUSD003-Energy and the Built Environment” course in UNSW. This course covers an extensive range of knowledge in energy, the built environment, and sustainability. There are four different assignments (this e-portfolio being one of them), and three different activities (pre-session, in-session, and post-session) included as learning tools within this course. Besides this e-portfolio, there are three other assignments the students need to work on to practise their knowledge and understanding, including Critical Reviews, Group project, and Individual project.

It has been a long journey full of different knowledge and information coming from different people with different backgrounds. This e-portfolio is intended as a summary of my whole learning process. It aims to “connect the dots”. It’s a media for self-reflection, self-assessment and a media to acknowledge the potential of how the knowledge gained through the course could be useful in my future career. And more importantly, this e-portfolio is an attempt to comprehend how the knowledge and skill gained through this course could give benefits in the area that I am planning to focus on for my future works and my future field of contributions back in my home country, Indonesia.


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