Why We Should Build Wooden Skyscrapers
Architecture for the People by the People
Sadiman, the Unsung Sustainability Hero
Inequality in Indonesia
Biomimicry Explained
Internet and Sustainability
The Fifth Estate
Energy and The Built Environment
My Architecture Portfolio
Green Lifestyle Magazine
Slums, Urbanization and The Poor
Biophilia: Reconnecting Human with Nature
Population Decline, Abandoned Areas and Neighborhood Revitalisation
The Sinking City of Jakarta
Are the Zero-Carbon Cities really Zero-Carbon?
Jakarta Desperately Needs More Parks
Water (not) for All
The Most Sustainable Building is The One You Don't Build
Sustainability vs Resilience
Architecture and Sustainability: A Personal Story
Architecture for Humanity
Logics of Sustainable Architecture (2)
Logics of Sustainable Architecture (1)
Nature and Architecture
Don't Build Your Home, Grow It!
The Best Way to Commute
What is the Most Sustainable Food?
Broken Cellphone
Kampung Naga: Traditions and Sustainability
Say No to Plastic Bags!
Compact City: is It Sustainable?
Let's Grow Our Food Ourselves
Pemulung: A Vital Role to Urban Waste Management of Jakarta
The Secret of El Dorado: Re-thinking How Societies Thrive or Fall